These days, people are more concerned about the environment.
We all know that cycling is a very green method of getting from A to B. However any cyclist will tell you, that one of their biggest hates is a head wind whilst cycling. It makes cycling on a flat level feel as hard as having to cycle up a hill. Its like cycling with the breaks on whilst beeing blasted in the face with wind!
However, for me, a head wind won't be the end of the world. The bike is fitted with two wind powered eco chargers from hymini. As I cycle along, the batteries in these chargers will charge up as they capture the passing wind. This will then allow me to charge up all my gadgets, such as the SatNav, the Phone, the mp3 player and the cameras. Extremely useful when you dont know where the next plug is. And of course, extremely environmentally friendly. I will be using renewable energy to keep online and to keep on track!
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