Friday, 17 September 2010

Day 14 Parentis en Born to Lillan

After a pretty bad day yesterday. I decided to get off a bit earlier and... GO FOR IT!
Meaning, I possibly had a chance to just push out some extra today and catch up. Well I say catch up, I wasnt really behind. I just wanted to be a day ahead.
If I could reach close spitting distance of Le Verdon, where there is a little ferry over to Royan, then La Rochelle is reachable for tomorrow. As La Rochelle is 75km from Royan.
La Rochelle gives me a rest day and an oppotunirty to meet up with an old friend. So as you can quite imagine, i'm keen to get there.

So off I went. I realised I needed to keep above 20kph all day today to make that target. The whole day was flat. As it has been pretty much since getting into France. So it was pedal pedal pedal pedal. No downhills to give me a break and some free kilometers! Oh no, If I stop pedalling, I stop moving!

Like yesterday, I was cycling through nothing but trees on either side. It really is the forest region of france. Plenty of trucks going by loaded up with logs. Which made me think of Final Destination 2. Speaking of movies. I then played a game of Speed. If the bike dropped below 20kph it'd go boom! Oh, and also I need to stop shouting "Bonjour!" in a variety of silly voices at people. Yes I'm starting to lose my sanity! But something has to keep me going, through endless straight roads.

The reason for needing to go go go go! Is because it seems that receptions for campsites close at about 7pm. So need to get to a campsite and checked in before this time. There is only about 75 minutes of daylight left after this time anyway now. As I head north, daylight will run out quicker.
The weather was better today, no rain! Partly cloudy, saw temps back at a reasonable 25c at some points which was nice :) So definately a positive outlook, especially when I conquered over 100km before 3pm. I continued going to over the 150km mark although a bit slower!

But Viola, I made it. At the time of writing this, I'm only about 10km from Le Verdon. So tomorrow I do that, then hop on the ferry then 75km to La Rochelle. I needed to be close, not because of th emileage but more because of the time. The ferry is going to be a slow process.

The campsite tonight even had wifi on it! But it didnt work, typically i must have pitched slightly out of range. But it also had a restaurant and managed a fantastic meal. Seafood Salad to start and a huge Spag Bol that beat me aftewards. But definately burnt off some carbs today so needed to replace them!

Todays stats
StartParentis en Born.09:30
EndLillan .18:45
Saddle Time7 hr 22 min 21 sec.
Distance travelled154.76km
Average Speed20.9kph
Max speed38.5km

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