Saturday, 25 September 2010

Day 22 - Just North of Oxford to West of Upper Broughton.

I know I've said this before. But I honestly think today might have been one of the toughest days. Being so close, yet so far from the finish has been tough on the head. Knowing that tomorrow is the end is exciting. Its taken a lot of mental discipline to focus on the fact that I still need to keep cycling and not wish it away. When you wish time away, thats when boredom sets in, and when time drags, and when motivation levels drop. I actually felt so demotivated on the bike at points today. More than at any other times during the trip. I guess you can compare the feeling to Christmas Eve as a kid. No one likes Christmas Eve. They just want Christmas Day to come along! It felt a little like that today.

A long day too. Putting in a lot of mileage to make that 3pm arrival time tomorrow and pushing myself up through the Midlands of England to north Leicestershire. The weather was so much kinder on me today. Sunshine, and a bit of cloud later on! No rain, no drizzle no dampness that I
had yesterday. But it was bitter cold at times. That wind was just nasty. As most of my trip has been under heat, I'm more equipped for that. So all I can do is layer up what clothes I have. Im wearing 2 T- shirts, a jumper and then the Gibraltar to Yorkshire shirt over that. I was
tempted to find somewhere and buy some gloves today as well! I really dont deal well with the cold. I was stopped outside a petrol literally shivering trying to eat food. I would more happily cycle under 45c heat than 10c any day.

Had a long run down a very busy dual carriageway, but at least it had a hard shoulder to hide in. There was times today as well that I just didnt have energy. Felt so weak. Just keeping the bike moving at slow speeds seemed to be a real chore. Then out of nowhere... Wham, speed and power again. My Ankle isnt doing too well either. Off the bike I'm now hobbling around. Saddle Sores are also kicking in. Its understandable though, considering I'm going the longest ever without a single rest day.

Fun times started when it came to finding the hotel at the end of the day. After a gruelling 138km. I get to Station Road, Upper Broughton where the Hotel was. I was literally stood there and saw a sign saying Upper Broughton and another saying Station Road. And what was it? Just a little village! No hotels anywhere, there was nothing! At this point too darkness started setting in, and for the first time on the whole trip. It was lights on and vis jacket on as I cycled on into the night. Found a POI on the Sat Nav for a hotel which had the same phone number but a different name. Maybe it renamed I thought. So headed for that. Which took me 3km back down a road I had just come down and left me in the middle of a farm with a load of sheep baa'ing at me. Great! What a hotel!

So I put something into practice, which I havnt previously being able to do before. With no language barrier. I phoned the hotel to ask them where it was! Wow, What an amazing concept! After a rather confusing conversation. I did realise that actually it was just another 500m away - and sure enough there it was!

One final blow to a very hard day... No restaurant on site. No nothing on site! I thought I was through with all that after leaving France! However, another awesome thing about being where I am. I currently have some family travelling north to see my arrival. Saw my tweet about not being able to find the hotel, phoned me. I mentioned no restaurant and they turned up at the hotel! Then we headed off in the car to get some dinner. A huge thanks to my Aunty and Uncle and Cousin for that. It was great to see them! Amusingly im about an hour away in the car from home now! Which is where theyre headed ready to see my arrival tomorrow! So fantastic end to today and of course making me feel a lot closer to home.

Right leg is really aching tonight. With the ankle hurting, i've been having to cycle harder on the right leg, and its absolutely in pain now. It feels like it could be a pulled hamstring or something! So got the deep heat on it tonight, hopefully that'll keep it at bay and enable me to finish the remaining 80km of Gibraltar to Yorkshire tomorrow!

Todays stats
StartJust North of Oxford.09:00
EndWest of Upper Broughton.19:55
Saddle Time7 hr 01 min 10 sec.
Distance travelled146.67km
Average Speed18.8kph
Max speed52.7km

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